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NASCAR boss still under fire for Trump endorsement



A “routine endorsement” is what Brian France, the chairman and chief executive of NASCAR thought he was doing when he gave his praise to the Trump campaign. Ever since the endorsement France has been dealing with a massive falling out.
What many might not see with this endorsement is how it effects a decades work of the France family. NASCAR has always been under fire as being quote-on-quote, “hillbilly community.” The France family has always tried to broaden NASCAR’s appeal among all minorities in the US and Global markets.
“I was frankly, very surprised, that my diversity efforts for my whole career would have been called into question, over this, in my view, a routine endorsement.” -Brain France in a Wednesday interview with The Associated Press.
The France family has had a long running record of endorsing Presidential candidates. France even told news reporters he backed Barack Obama in 2008 but 4 years later shifted his position to Mitt Romney.
“I supported Obama. I went to his rallies. I parted with my hard-earned money. There was a movement going on, and I was really thrilled with the idea of the first African-American president,” he said. “I did the same for Mitt Romney. In both of those cases, I have never agreed with all of their policies.”
“I’m not supporting him for all of his views, or his immigration views,” France said. “I happen to be very enamored by the excitement he’s brought and the voter turnout that it is creating.”
source: Fox NASCAR News