Despite society’s standards for admiring tall men, many of Hollywood’s most famous actors don’t live up to these high expectations. In fact, very different. Oftentimes, creative camera tricks and professional editing helps create the illusion that these famous faces are actually much larger than they are in real life. And most of their fans don’t even notice!
Though the average height of men these days is about 5’9″, many big industry names surprisingly fall well below that, giving promise to hopeful actors of all sizes in the future. Though you may have a hunch about a few of the actors on this list, you’ll be surprised to find out some of the biggest stars aren’t what they appear to be on screen.
Danny DeVito

Known for his roles in
Matilda and
Batman Returns, Danny DeVito is one of the shortest celebrities on this list at 4’10″!
Dave Franco
It’s clear to see who got the tall genes in this family! His brother James (standing on the right) virtually towers over his younger brother who stands at a humble 5’7″.
Joe Pesci
Pesci always played such tough guy roles in movies like Goodfellas and Raging Bull that it probably seems pretty inconceivable that he’s only 5’3″!
Seth Green
You can’t tell at all that Green is actually 5’4″ since he’s most commonly standing in a recording booth recording his lines for Robot Chicken and Family Guy.
Scott Caan
The Hawaii Five-O and Ocean’s Eleven actor has a pretty tough dad (he was in The Godfather), so hopefully he doesn’t view his 5’5″ son as a letdown just because of his stature!
Jonah Hill

Funnyman Jonah Hill never let his 5’7″ frame keep him from nailing high profile and boss-status action roles like
21 Jump Street and
The Wolf of Wall Street.
Aziz Ansari
One of the running jokes throughout Parks and Recreation was Ansari’s character’s small size, but that wasn’t exactly an aspect made up for the character. At 5’6″, his short height may have been a contributing factor why you hardly ever saw him next to the 6’2″ Chris Pratt.
Dustin Hoffman

With nearly 60 years of acting, Academy Award-winning actor Dustin Hoffman’s 5’6″ physique didn’t hinder him from getting major roles.
Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe’s height wasn’t problematic through his 10 years as the fearless Harry Potter, but now the 5’5″ English actor is breaking from the character and taking on some big roles.
Elijah Wood

His short height made his role as a hobbit in
The Lord of the Rings all the more appropriate. Hollywood is not Mordor, so Elijah Wood’s tiny 5’6″ build cannot be missed walking down any street.
Ben Stiller

Comedic actor Ben Stiller has been entertaining America for decades. His 5’7″ height is the last thing anyone notices. That’s probably because we’re too busy holding our sides in laughter.
Michael J. Fox

Back to the Future actor’s short 5’4″ stature hasn’t prevented him from nailing roles in major shows, including one of his own.
Thank goodness that height isn’t a contributing factor to the quality of your music, because the 5’7″ musician is doing just fine as it is.
Al Pacino
It’s difficult to imagine badass stars as being short, but Pacino is such a great actor that he more than makes up for his short 5’7″ stature. You try telling Scarface that he’s short! He’ll promptly introduce you to his little friend.
Josh Hutcherson

You would never guess that the 5’7″
Hunger Games star was a full two inches shorter than his love interest co-star Jennifer Lawrence. At the age of 12, his height was perfect to assist in the motion-capture for the role of Hero Boy in the holiday feel-good movie
The Polar Express.
Kevin Hart
The comedian’s tiny stature isn’t exactly a Hollywood secret, but as one of the shortest on this list (5’4″) he’s undoubtedly done exceptionally well for himself. If anything, the short guy routine only makes him and his movies alongside The Rock all the more hilarious.
Zac Efron

Disney Channel heartthrob turned
Baywatch lifeguard Zac Efron is only 5’8″. Honestly, though, when you’re looking into his eyes, his height is the last thing on your mind.
Ken Jeong

Talk about a small man with a larger than life personality. Comedian, actor, and physician Ken Jeong — yes, physician — is only 5’5″.
Bruno Mars

When it comes to Bruno Mars, his height is what the ladies like — aside from his smooth-as-butter vocals. At 5’5″, it’s tempting to attach the singer to a keychain and have him everywhere you are. We’re pretty sure the last two inches came from his curly locks, though.
Kanye West

The 808s and Heartbreaks rapper is known for flying off the handles from time to time. What many people don’t realize is that the 5’8″ rapper is the perfect size to ride on handlebars. Maybe Taylor Swift will take him for a bike ride sometime.
Pete Wentz

Bassist for Fall Out Boy, Pete Wentz stole hearts in “Dance, Dance” when he portrayed the nerd who got the girl at the high school homecoming. Who would have known the rocker was only 5’6″?
Mark Wahlberg

Actor Mark Wahlberg turned heads in the ’90s as Marky Mark, the rapper with good vibrations who also bore a bit of skin as a Calvin Klein model. At 5’8″, Wahlberg is just three inches short of male model height, but we say don’t let that stop you from trying, Mark! You still got it.
Tom Cruise
Mission Impossible star Tom Cruise is no stranger to the short side of Hollywood. There have been stories of the actor standing on stools and having co-stars stand in trenches to aid in crafting a serious scene. Let’s be serious, could you believe the 5’7″ actor would kick someone’s butt if they were towering over him?
James McAvoy
The British actor hasn’t allowed his short height of 5’7″ to prevent him from landing some pretty major roles, especially in the new X-Men films.
Martin Sheen
Sheen has done it all, from war movies like Apocalypse Now playing a battle-hardened soldier to a desk guy in The Departed. Fortunately, none of those roles required great height, because he’s only 5’6″.
Mel Brooks
It’s pretty appropriate that the legendary funnyman parodied Yoda in Spaceballs, because at 5’4″ Brooks himself isn’t that much taller than the tiny little green guy!
Henry Winkler
Winkler himself is sheer proof that you don’t have to be very tall to be a cool, hip Fonz. At 5’6″, what he lacks in height he more than makes up for with his pure charm.
Nathan Lane
Throughout his numerous roles, Lane has always been the goofy but loveable little guy who infuses so much natural wit into his roles. In fact, there’s a chance that his types of roles wouldn’t work as well if he were taller than 5’4″!
Tim Roth
Name a Quentin Tarantino flick and chances are that Roth was in it, playing some sort of gangster or character with sinister intentions. Even at the short height of 5’6″, Roth still comes off as quite intimidating!
Robert Downey Jr.
You had no clue that in all those Iron Man movie scenes with Downey and Paltrow that he was actually shorter! Because what superhero (or rich billionaire) could look intimidating or impressive when he’s looking up to the woman?