Rare Photos From The Past

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Rare historical photos from the past that will give you an alternative lesson in history. From the most interesting inventions to the construction of the Statue of Liberty. Click NEXT to enjoy traveling back in time to relive the past through this incredible collection of rare historical photos.

Franz Kruckenberg, German aircraft engineer built the Schienenzeppelin in 1929.

The atomic bomb “Fat Man” on the transport carriage in 1945.

1939, baby cages for toddlers to get fresh air in apartment buildings.

1941, the original mockup of Mt. Rushmore before funding ran out.

1918, Henry Ford’s modified Model T, the “Universal Car.”

1910, Auto Polo was one of the most dangerous sports for the participants of the time.

1982, Soviet Buran spacecraft was the first “spaceplane” created by the Russians.

October 1931 the Graf Zepplin flew over Washington, DC.

The great Titanic’s propeller blades in dry dock.

The Golden Gate Bridge being constructed in 1937.

1922, Britain’s first slide invented by Charles Wicksteed.

The remains of cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov, the man who fell from space in 1967.

Jimi Hendrix smiling while driving a dune buggy in 1968

A clunky 250 Kilo Diving Suit from early 1900s

1884, construction of the Statue of Liberty.

Apollo 1 crew practicing water landing in 1966.

1923, bullet proof vest testing.

Hindenburg flies over NYC in 1936.

Mount Rushmore construction during 1934-1939.

Construction workers posing on a Hoover Dam outlet pipe.

1949, a fixture used to lessen pilot fatigue from the effects of gravity forces.

Hitler examining the VW Bettle in 1935.

Pablo Escobar and son in front of White House in 1980’s.

Circus Hippo pulling a cart.

Bin Laden in his younger years of life.

Joseph Goebbels wedding with best man Adolf Hitler in 1931.

Queen Elizabeth II firing a British rifle in 1993.

Children dressed up for halloween.

William Harley and Arthur Davidson, 1914.

1990, 106-year-old Armenian woman protecting her home.

1968, Johnny Cash performs for prisoners of Folsom Prison.

Lunchtime on the set of Star Wars.

American soldier replaces sign in Berlin, German, 1945.

1970, Porsche factory assembling the 911 sports car in Stuttgart.

1961 Disneyland employee cafe where most employee relaxed during breaks

Apollo 16’s Charles Duke left a family photo on the moon of his family.

Vought F4U Corsair crashes on a carrier during WW2.

1912, this photo is believed to be the last of the RMS Titanic prior to sinking.

1888, the construction of the Eiffel Tower.

Star Wars filming of a “Millennium Falcon” scene.

Bonnie and Clyde’s car following the shootout that ended their lives, 1934.

1928, filming of MGM opening credits.

1969, The very last photo of all four Beatles.

1923, racing cars on the roof of the Fiat Factory in Italy.

1950, Queenie the elephant water surfing.

JFK at Nasa’s Cape Canaveral Missile Test in 1962.

1960, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro fishing together.

“Walking Machine” tested wear on shoes in 1937.

The first international match at Wimbledon in 1883.

Michelin Tire display.

Steven Spielberg examining a miniture Indiana Jones set in 1980.

1945, bombs being dropped on Japan.

The very first picture from space in 1946.

Atomic Bomb testing at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific

Titanic dry dock in 1911.

Construction of Disneyland.

The first photograph of Machu Picchu in 1912.

Soldiers raise Soviet flag over Berlin in 1945.

Barack Obama as a teenager in a basketball team photo.

German soldiers and their mule wearing gas masks in WW1, 1916.

1944, B-32 Bomber factory in Texas.

Unbroken seal of King Tut’s Tomb.

First Google employee photo, 1999.

The first WalMart store opens in 1962.

Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Warren Harding and Harvey Firestone lounging together.

Hitler’s bunker in 1945 taken by Allied soldiers.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs talking in 1991.

Oldest running car on the planet built in 1884.

Douglas MacArthur signing the official Japanese surrender on USS Missouri in 1945

1945, Mona Lisa returns to its home at Louvre in Paris after WW2.

Steven Spielberg sits inside the mechanical shark on the set of Jaws.

1933, the night Prohibition was put to an end.

Arnold on the day he received his American citizenship.

1957, the original “Blue Angels” flying over Niagara Falls.

Vintage ventriloquist dummy.

1977, Bill Gates arrested for driving without a license.

Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan in 1992.

1926, Ford’s first car factory in the United States.

1923, Boxing match at Yankee Stadium.

Frank Sinatra stepping out of a helicopter with a drink in hand.

Joseph Goebbels wedding where Hitler was the best man.

Actress, Audrey Hepburn

Gangster, Al Capone

Physicist, Albert Einstein(1921)

Physicist, Albert Einstein(1939)

Author, H.G. Wells

Baseball Legend, Lou Gehrig(1939)

Musician, Big Jay McNeely(1953)

Boys With Flowers(1908)

Military, British Soldiers(1939)

Naturalist/Geologist, Charles Darwin

Actor, Charlie Chaplin Meeting Hellen Keller(1919)

Actor, Charlie Chaplin(1916)

Native American, Cherokee Warrior

Military, Civil War Veterans Shake Hands(1913)

Artist, Claude Monet(1923)

Car Accident(1921) Location: Washington D.C.

Egyptian Work Crew(1907)

General Grant Addressing Civil War Council(1864)

Magician, Harry Houdini(1912) Location: New York Harbor

Inventor, Henry Ford(1919)

Hindenburg Blimp Disaster(1937) Location: Lakehurst, New Jersey

Military, Hitler’s Easter Surprise(1944)

Ice Delivery Girls(1918)

Actress, Joan Crawford(1932)

Lee Harvey Oswald (Being Transported for Questioning about JFK Murder)

Burger Chef(1938)

Lewis Powell (Lincoln Assassination Conspirator)

Writer/Lecturer/Entrepreneur, Mark Twain

Littleton, New Hampshire(1908)

Actress/Business Woman, Elizabeth Taylor(1956)

Musician, Louis Armstrong(1946)

President Abraham Lincoln Meets with General ‘Little Mac’ McClellan(1862)

Newsies on a Smoke Break(1910)

Inventor, Nikola Tesla

Madison Square Gardens, New York(Early 1900’s)

Oklahoma Farm Family(1939)

Old Gold Country Store(1939)

Laid Off Lumber Worker and Wife(1939)

Artist, Pablo Picasso

Poet, Walt Whitman(1868)

16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln

18th President of the United States Ulysses S. Grant with Family(1870)

Military, Samurai In Training(1860)

Military, Soldier Reading to Boy(1927) Location: London, England

Son of Vermont Wood Cutter(1936)

Texas Farmer(1931)

The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald

Times Square, New York City(1947)

Military, Union Artillery Division(Civil War)

Military, Union Soldiers(1863)

Nashville Capitol(1864)

Washington D.C. Gas Station(1924)

Young Man(1938) Location: Baltimore Slums

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