Unbelievable Moments Captured At The Airport

6 years agoon
Security lines, overbooked flights and weather delays. Just when you thought there couldn’t be any more to flying you see these pictures. You won’t believe what happened on some of these commercial flights. Click NEXT to enjoy the slideshow.

Cybermen Shining Their Armor

The Doctor Who Cybermen Cyborgs getting their armor shined up at the airport before the San Diego Comic-Con.
I made a bed!

When your flight gets delayed and all the hotels are booked solid so you have no choice but to make the best of what you got!
Stop Human Trafficking!

A very creative and impactful marketing campaign of a woman locked inside a transparent suitcase bringing awareness to help stop human trafficking.
Travelator Yoga Session

The best way to revitalize yourself while traveling is to do some airport aerobics on the travelator to recover from jet lag.
Crowded Airport Parking

Maybe it was the pilot’s first day on the job or the airline is trying to save on money on parking. Either way this doesn’t look good for business.
World’s Fastest Motorized Luggage!

Stairway To Flight Heaven

Please arrive two hours prior for domestic travel and 3 DAYS prior for all international flights to get early bird seating at the front of the aircraft.
Dwayne “The Overpacker” Johnson

The Rock must be packing all his fitness equipment in his oversized luggage so he doesn’t have to pay for the extra bag fee. He is smart, savvy and saving money as he travels on his world press tour.
Minka Kelly Going Through LAX Security

The Friday Night Lights actress preparing to depart Los Angeles International Airport on an early morning flight for vacation. Safe travels!
Auto Frisk Coming Soon Everywhere

Runaway Bear On The Airport Runway

TSA Confiscated Items Wall Of Fame

Cleveland Airport showcasing everything their security has confiscated throughout the past to help deter future violators.
Denver International Airport Conspiracy

The DIA is a central hub for conspiracy theories from an underground city to the illuminati to “Blucifier” a 32-foot blue bronco sculpture with piercing red eyes that represents one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Please Present Your Passport & Phone Number

This young lady definitely is drawing alot of attention from all the TSA employees while going through security.
Los Angeles International Airport in the 1960s

The “Theme Building” at LAX was designed by architecture firm Pereira & Luckman to resemble a UFO that landed in the middle of the parking lot which features a restaurant called “Encounter”.
Lord Of The Airports

Gollum from The Lord Of The Rings & The Hobbit movies welcome visitors to middle-earth at Wellington airport in New Zealand while trying to catch fish to eat.
Luggage Towers Of Terror

Located in Terminal A at Sacramento International Airport these 23 foot pillars of luggage look like a real life Jenga game. I dare you to pull one of those pieces out first!
Wheeeeee! Slide Right Into Your Seat

Passengers at Singapore’s Changi Airport get to enjoy this four-story slide that twists and twirls you through the terminal so you’ll never be late for your flight every again.
Miss Universe Of Luggage

Miss Universe Thailand Chalita Suansane is a heavy packer as she travels with 17 pieces of luggage while in the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila.
Neck Pillow Misuse

Neck pillows are great for long flights when you need to get some rest but while walking through the airport be very careful how you carry it or this might happen to you.
Second “Leg” Of The Flight

Sometimes you don’t even have a clue this is happening to you but when it does it’s hilarious for other bystanders at the airport. Never skip leg day even when you are traveling!
Pet Relief Station

This airport has a doggie potty with a red fire hydrant to help your pooch relief themselves during travel day.
Crushed The Landing

Maybe the runway was too icy when the pilot landed or the building got in his way. Hopefully he doesn’t get a parking ticket.
Any Pets Or Animals To Declare

I’m sorry I don’t know how that got into my luggage…I don’t remember packing it. But see you later Alligator, after ‘while crocodile.
The First Order Of Airport Security

TSA has really stepped up their Galactic enforcement efforts lately to ensure safe traveling experience for all visitors. Maybe the security force be with you!
Pokémon! Gotta catch ’em all!

These amazing All Nippon Airways aircrafts are painted with all the different Pokémon creatures to help promote the popular brand worldwide.
Walt Disney

Kid’s Kounty Kharacters

These fun critters are Peter Panda, Dirty Bird, Hugh the Shoe and Connie Cone who helped with a Southwest Airlines promotion back in 1973.
Catching Some Z’s In The Overhead Luggage

This woman found the perfect place to sprawl out and take a snooze while flying, unfortunately she’s going to have to get out so passengers can put their carry ons there.
Pilot Selfie

It appears this pilot is pretty excited to be flying, as indicated by the fact that she took a selfie outside the cockpit window. Selfie culture is alive and well in the sky.

This looks like it was a majestic sight to see from the pilot’s perspective. It looks like an epic sunrise.
Penguins In The Aisle

These are most certainly, REAL penguins, walking down the aisle of a plane. Everybody take their seats please the plane is getting ready for take off, that includes the penguins!
Gorgeous Flight Attendants

These girls look fabulous as they strike a pose in their flight attendant uniforms. Wouldn’t mind catching a flight on that plane.
Turkey On A Plane

We are told this happened on Thanksgiving, and that this bird really had somewhere to be.
A Couple With Their Pony

This was apparently a service animal. To answer your question, no, there was no more leg room. Thanks a lot my little pony!
Custom Luggage

This guy will never lose track of his bag in baggage claim.
Ducks On A Plane

This is a duck on a plane. That must have been a fun flight. People were probably “quacking” up.
Kangaroos On A Plane, Mate

This fellow is just on a plane trying to get back to Australia. The passenger in front of him complained that he kept kicking the seat!
Best sleep ever

Who knows, maybe this is the best sleep he has ever had.
Flight Attendants Welcome Aboard!

When you need to make that connector flight

Sweetie, just jump on. I know you are tired!
I’ll sleep right here

Sleeping outside of a bathroom can be some of the best rest.
All possessions out of your pockets please.

Also, laptops and babies in separate trays for the X-Ray machine.
1 Hour Wait, Ok!

I’ll just go to sleep, wake up me later.
High roller from Vegas

He won big so he’s going to flaunt it.
What is in the sack man?

He said it was toys for the young children.
Hangin’ Out

Let’s just go back to the good ole’ days where people hung out like this on planes.
3 Minute Goodbye Smooches

At Denmark’s Aalborg Airport travelers can squeeze in one last kiss before they say goodbye before their flights but be warned “No Kisses Above 3 Mins!” or else.
Helpful Flight Attendants

On what flight did this happen? My how flight attendants’ uniforms have changed over time. This look is absolutely stunning!
Pig On A Plane

How often do people bring their pig on a plane? This is the 2nd photo that came up of one. It would be interesting to know how many pigs fly on planes per year. Someone should do a study about it, “When Pigs Fly.”

This guy’s actions were inappropriate then, and they are inappropriate now, shame on him. Good thing we are here to expose him to the internet for who he truly is!
Oink Oink

This pig is extremely adorable, her cuteness made the flight that much more pleasurable.
Cute Baby

Other passengers complained that this baby kept crying, so the flight attendants took matters into their own hands, literally! The baby turned from crying to laughing isn’t that cute?
This Doesn’t Look Good

Hopefully this didn’t happen while in flight, flying on a plane where the pilot is asleep does not sound very safe. Auto pilot will only take you so far.
Smoking On Planes

It is now a federal offense to smoke on a plane, and that is a good thing.
Flight And Emergency Procedures

The flight attendant seen here is going over the basic flight and emergency procedures, how to buckle and unbuckle seat belts, emergency exit locations, and how the oxygen masks work.
K9 On A Plane

This dog was really enjoying the in-flight movie. Especially because it was watching a movie about dogs. Okay that second part was made up, but who knows, it could have been.
Please Buckle Your Belt

This guy chose to unzip his fly and lay across two seats, so another passenger decided to snap a photo of him and it went viral on the world wide web. It’s funny how things work out like that isn’t it?
Breathing Apparatus

The oxygen masks were deployed in flight, so someone decided it needed to be a photo right away. Photo first, worry about oxygen later.

This flight was apparently on its way to Spring Break, can you tell by how these juveniles are acting on the plane.
Piping Up

This guy is clearly sitting first class, and as we know back in the day people were allowed to smoke on planes. That wasn’t just limited to cigarettes, piping up was quite common actually.
Nicolas Cage or Ben Gates?

Did we catch Ben Gates on another world wide treasure hunt?

This couple is on the way to their honeymoon from what we were told. They just got hitched in Las Vegas and won a bunch of money at the Casino.
The Waiter

Suffice to say, the on-flight meal was actually much more nutritious than what is served today. This is a real waiter, going over an actual menu, that contains real food, with a passenger. How about that? That’s service.
Business Attire Only

He was wearing a business suit prior to this.
Airport Accommodations

Someone judges how you sleep at an airport.
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