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Koenigsegg One:1 is Coming to U.S. Next Year with U.S. Legal Version!



Koenigsegg has announced that next year their models will be arriving in North America. Earlier in the year, Koenigsegg had confirmed talk about working with Manhattan Motorcars in New York as being the first dealership in North America. Koenigsegg will produce North American compliant models.
As of this time, Koenigsegg One:1 can come to the U.S. but only under conditions of “show and display.” 2015 will be the year that all the Swedish firm’s models will be fully certified to be sold in the United States and Canada.gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0381 gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0382 gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0384 gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0386 gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0388 gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0390 gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0391 gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0392 gtspirit-beijing-2014-auto-china-0393